Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So one of my 5th graders asked the following question at the lunch table the other day...

"Mrs. Bell, is fish a meat or a vegetable?"

What?!? Was he serious? Yes he was. Pretty sure a 5th grader should know the answer to that! But I just kindly answered that fish is indeed a meat. He said that's what he thought but he didn't know what happened to the meat when you cook fish. Strange.


Kelly T said...

Oh my... what a funny thing to ask. You should keep all these typed up and saved so you can make a book someday.

Anonymous said...

I have thought a book should be written titled "Dear Teacher" - for all the things we hear each day. My favorite is "Are we going to eat lunch today?" I can't count the number of times I have heard that one. I do think the fish question would make the book!

OK Chick said...

Lori- what are you teaching those kids. I'm kidding. I agree with Kelly you need to save all this funny material. That way when you are at a party and it gets boring...you can pull out all your teacher material. You'll be the hit of the party. People might start hiring you for your stories.

Melissa Lester said...

Funny. Maybe he know some vegetarians who eat fish? Or is a meat-loving boy who doesn't like fish and thought it must be a vegetable? I guess we'll never know ... .