I'll update you on the eventful weeeknd with the In-laws later...we had a good time, but I'm not sure my dog did! She was dragged around everywhere by Allie! Anyway, until I get those pictures downloaded, I thought I would post some pics from our wedding. I know it was several months ago, but I thought those of you who weren't able to come might enjoy them! It was a beautiful day, and so much fun!

First, we have the wonderful wedding party. The boys are...David Lee, Terry Craghead, Heath Wilson, Matt, Nathan Lee, Brenton Brown, and Daren Ford. The girls...Tabitha McAllister, Lauren O'Dell, Emily Tomberlin, Lori, Kelly Tyson, Julie Barchers and Sommer Billings. They were a good looking group!

Here we have the beautiful bridesmaids relaxing in the O'Dells backyard after our delicious lunch!

Julie...looking her best!

Kelly, Lauren and Lori enjoying the last few minutes before the ceremony starts!

The happy Bride and Groom!