Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm a Wimp...

So I went out to the car today and as I was walking I thought to myself, "Man, it's a little warm outside today."  So I checked the weather on my was 71 degrees.  Really? That's it?  I'm going to die in Oklahoma next week, I'm sure of it.  Oh, by the way, I'm going to Oklahoma next week and I'm REALLY excited!


OK Chick said...

Yes, you are going to die here! It's hot. Saturday it will be 100. No lie. The weather folks told me this AM.

Regina said...

That's exactly what I told Chris yesterday. We're are going to roast in Oklahoma next week! Can't wait to see you again!

Kelly T said...

Are you gonna be in OKC? You're probably plumb full of things to do but I'm having grand images of us meeting halfway between Wichita and OKC for a couple hours... probably not gonna happen but I had to mention it. If you decide to put any stock into this crazy idea you can text me.

Kelly T said...

After I wrote this I saw that your cousin Regina will be there, too, so I'm guessing you've got lots of family stuff going on... no worries I said it was crazy anyway. =O)