Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An encouraging word...

I was teaching history. It was 3rd period, the kids were tired, and we were learning about the French Colonists settling in the "new land" (that would be North America, for those that aren't history buffs). Not the most exciting reading. They leave France, they come to America, they set up a colony, end of story. Same thing that happened in yesterday's lesson with the Spanish. I'm doing my best to make it interesting...after we read the text, I try to retell it like a story, using the map to point things out and trying to sound excited. But I'm looking at their eyes, seeing some of them day dreaming, and thinking to myself "I don't blame them, I would probably be bored too." Time runs out for the class, so we have to stop in the middle of the lesson. Relief sweeps across most of their faces. The dismissal bell is only minutes away, and they hurriedly pack their things to leave. But, as one girl walks out of the classroom, she stops for a second and says, "Mrs. Bell, why do we have to leave just when the story was getting good?" All I can do is smile at her. "Yes!!" I think to myself, "at least one person is interested and paying attention. Maybe I'm not as boring as I thought!" How nice it is when a student is enjoying learning (and being sincere when they tell you)! It made my day!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for you~ You are making a difference in their lives!! You are touching them just like God wants. I am sooo proud of you! I just wish you could see the smile on my face. You are so worthy of your profession.

Regina said...

I'm so glad the teaching is going well. It sounds like you are doing a fabulous job. (I'm not surprised!) I miss you and hope to get to see you around the Christmas holiday. Love you!