Well, Matt was here for the last week, and just left yesterday. We had so much fun together, and I realized just how much I had missed him when I saw him. He actually surprised me by taking an early flight & showing up at the end of the school day on Friday. I was completely shocked to see him walk in the classroom, especially because it was 5 minutes before school was out, and I was busy telling all my little 2nd graders goodbye (it was my last day in 2nd grade). needless to say, I was VERY excited to see him! I was planning to drive to Birmingham that night to pick him up at 10:00, so it was nice to have him in early & to not have to drive by myself! That evening, he surprised me again by telling me we were going to spend the weekend at the Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery. A friend of ours works there, and she got us an AMAZING deal on the Executive Suite! It was a great weekend! The room was beautiful, on the corner of the building with a view of the Alabama River. It was a nice way to relax, and get away from the world for a couple of days.
This is a picture of the hotel:

On Friday night, we checked into the hotel, and then met some friends for dinner at the Brew Pub downtown. We were able to walk over from the hotel, and we enjoyed our friends. It was obvious how much Matt had missed everyone because he barely stopped talking long enough to take a breath the whole time we were there!

Matt & Me

Matt, Steven, Allen

Angela, Kayla, Me
We watched some football on Saturday, had pizza at Tomatino's (a local Montgomery favorite), and then went over to the Frisby's that evening so Matt could see Lucy. He missed her too! We ended up at the Frisby's house almost every night so Matt could see her. I was off on Monday (for Fair Day...it's not a real holiday, but the State Fair was free for kids that day), but I had to work (well, go to school) the rest of the week. So Matt would do homework during the day, and then we would get to hang out in the evenings. It was a great week, but of course it passed much too quickly. I think spending time together is going to make the next 6 1/2 weeks even harder than the last 8 weeks! Although it's a shorter time until we see each other again, having him back to visit made it so much harder for him to leave again. I know the time will pass quickly, and so I'll just find ways to keep busy and not think about him being gone! I'll see him again at Thanksgiving...along with his new school friends from Kenya, Mexico, Paraguay and maybe Switzerland (they're joining us for Thanksgiving)! Should be fun! It's actually only 8 more weeks of living apart (not counting the week of Thanksgiving) until I graduate and we'll be back together for good! I'm looking forard to that for sure! Have a wonderful day!